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Guarantee Your Child's College Savings!

2019-20 enrollment period is closed. 2020-21 Enrollment will open on November 1.
- Guaranteed to keep pace with in-state tuition costs.
- Get tax-free growth and withdrawals when using your account to pay for qualified higher education expenses.
- Use GET at colleges nationwide and even in other countries.
- Pay no enrollment fee when enrolling online
($50 enrollment fee charged for paper applications)
How GET works
It's Fast and Easy to Start Your GET 529 College Savings Account
When you choose GET for your college savings, you're choosing a safe and secure way to help your children achieve their dreams. Learn more about how GET works and take a minute to check out the video and information below. When you're ready, click the "Enroll Now" button during our open enrollment period (November 1 through May 31).
Tips to Help You Get Started +-
- Gather the following information:
- Your social security number and contact information.
- The student beneficiary’s social security number, date of birth, and the year you expect him or her to start college.
- Review the GET Enrollment Guide and the Program Details Booklet. This includes the Master Agreement, which acts as your contract with GET.
- Familiarize yourself with the different plan options available. You can choose to make pay-as-you go lump sum payments, set up a customizable monthly payment plan or do both.
- If you plan to enroll using a paper form, be prepared to pay a non-refundable $50 enrollment fee for each account opened. If you open your account online, you will not be charged an enrollment fee. Likewise, if you open two accounts for students with the same address, you will be exempt from enrollment fees for any additional accounts opened for students with that same address.
- Note that you must hold all GET units for two years before use, but we recommend holding them for several years, as it will take time to see growth in your account.
- Know these important dates:
- November 1, 2019: Enrollment opened with a unit price of $121.
- May 31, 2020: The 2019-20 enrollment period closed. All new enrollments and Custom Monthly Account setups must be completed by Midnight (Pacific Time) the night of May 31.
- June 25, 2020: The last day to add lump sum units to your account at the 2019-2020 unit price. All payments must be received in the GET office by this date to ensure your payment buys units at the current $121 price.